What Is Calling?

Sitting still. Sitting still and listening. Sitting still and hearing. Sitting still. Listening. Hearing. Hearing many ‘voices’. Getting up and getting on with ones life. Knowing amidst the clamour; a depth guides. A depth which doesn’t require to know why. Knows not to hang on or to push away, anything. Knows Compassion and acceptance.

I have many voices,
As do we all.
I have many choices,
To make as I am multidimensional.
I have a peacemaker,
But also my Grandfathers’ rage
I do not know why
Maybe I should ask a sage.
I have a needy part,
That I sometimes look down upon.
I have a greedy part,
That likes Jam, cream and scones.

From the poem Getting Out of Jail by Rufus May.

I love the light and playful spirit that comes through the words and approach of the author.
I especially like these lines later in the poem.

I have a part that tries to ground me
In the here and now,
And reads about spirituality
So I don’t get in too many rows!

Amen to that!

Waiting While Walking

Last evening I was talking to somebody about the difficulties and uncertainties of taking the next step. Pick up the mail? Or walk the dog first? Thats relatively easy. However when there’s a sense of a life change lurking in the background the prospect of lifting one foot, let alone bringing the other one along, seems impossible. Or can do. There is a call to make a change. What is the answer. Exactly?

I liken this situation to waiting at a bus stop. Waiting. Waiting for the bus to come. Perhaps it’s raining and, heck! any bus will do surely. Or will it? Still waiting. Maybe the direction of the bus is known, but not the time or the day. Would that be the 10.45 am to Garstang, via Trough ‘a Boland. Or, still waiting. Do I need to wait another three hours for the 1.45 pm, long distance, to Glasgow. And. Wait a moment. Is this the right stop? And the right day, or even year? Is the response right now to simply stay put until the rain stops, the clouds clear and the bus schedule is republished. In other words the answer to the call is to wait. Wait longer.

Taking the next step can be tricky especially when one doesn’t actually know what it is. There is a call yet the details are not audible. There’s no sense of when, where, what or how a move is to be accomplished?

And yet in life there is no standing still. Always there is the imperative for action. Perhaps the largest obstacle to acting in any given circumstance is fear on the one side and desire on the other. What’s a person to do?

Wait while walking on? Sit still, listen and walk? The move might be as simple as making a phone call. Lots of small steps add up.

This posting is for Ruth who’s taking a significant step in her life. Good fortune to you.

From Russia – Received With Gratitude

Here’s part of the response to Letter To A Visitor, made by the very same young woman I was writing to.

it’s so deeply touching…
all your words…
may I guess that it was also for me,
(among all your other readers)
but even if I’m wrong,
it does not matter,
it’s still deeply touching…

I was in Throssel that days,
for Introductory Retreat.
I think it was one of the most importance things happened to me.

Maybe next week will bring with it a break in the activities which have kept me fully occupied these days, and weeks. Kept me away from here unfortunately. My camera has become detached (temporarily) from me so unfortunately not even photos for you as Spring bursts out all over the place.

Hearing Voices

He was quite a bit older than me. Six years. About that. At twenty he was told to give his money away. So he did. In the high street of our small town. He was hearing voices. What they told him to do he took literally. The doctors took the voices literally. 1960’s solutions were as they were. E.C.T – drugs – confinement. That became the story of his life. In and out, up and down, mostly unemployed. Raised a fine family.

Young and idealistic.
A phone call.
She tried to tell. To explain.
Stood in a red public phone box.
Shocked. Deeply touched.
Vowed to find a solution.
Hearing Voices.

It’s not uncommon for youngsters to make a silent promise. A response to a crisis. Sometimes the direction that takes is good, sometimes not so good. Glad to say my young vow matured and went towards the good. Found a so called solution within.

Glad to find that hearing voices is approached, by some, in a radically different way. Responding to the voices in a different way. A route paved with awareness, compassion and wise council.

He was my brother. He died June 2005. Bless him.

Just Standing Still

He was standing in the lane at dusk. Standing as if waiting for a bus, or to cross the road. Not going anywhere it would seem. We pass him. Put our hands together in gassho. I wonder. Is he waiting to ask a question? Did I goof or something. He senses that we might wonder what’s he’s doing there. Just standing still.

I’m listening to the birds, he said. I think they are going to bed!

…and that’s just what I’m going to do. And tomorrow I’ll remember to stand still and listen to the birds. At least once.