Greater Integration of Intention and Action – Book Review

The Hidden Brain is an altogether spectacular read, the kind that gives the best possible hope for changing our minds in the most necessary direction there is – toward more fairness, greater self-awareness, and a vital integration of our intentions and our actions.

The Hidden Brain: How Ocean Currents Explain Our Unconscious Social Biases from Brain Pickings.

The review of The Hidden Brain on Brain Pickings makes for disturbing reading especially since at first glance, a superficial glance at the cartoon style drawings, you might dismiss the whole review. I advise reading on. Fascinating and informative to say the least.

Donde Esta the Master?

Donde estar, where is? That’s a small morsel of Spanish retained from the early 1970’s when I attempted to learn the language. Where is the Master, Where is the Teacher? The problem is in the question. Seeking inwardly or outwardly and one is no closer to finding the answer in the deepest sense.

Contemplating Who is the Master. we seek and we search, and honorably too. As we go on the Way seeking mind invariably alights here and there and in that there is not a problem. Not a problem if the basic Buddhist endeavour is honoured. That’s to keep ones eyes open, yet not grasp with them (or any other of the senses.) while keeping to the sixteen Precepts as compass and guide. Love, Compassion and Wise Discernment flower naturally through this non grasping.

In small glimpses, and sometimes not so small, there is the dawning of a realization that the Teacher/Buddha/Master is identical with oneself. What’s more the rocks, trees, rivers and grasses are Buddha, identical with oneself. When we say all things teach that’s what I understand the teaching to be. Non separation. Not a whisper of a gap.

The verse previously quoted says:

You are your only master.
Who else?
Subdue yourself,
And discover your master.

When I read the word ‘subdue’ I think of the horses, ponies, donkeys and goats etc. I’ve soothed into cooperation. A number of those creatures have tested me with their stubborn, flighty, ornery ways. When looking within oneself all those characteristics are present to some degree.

Compassion/acceptance for animals is essential as is kindness, gentleness, tenderness all exercised with a firm hand and mind too. As with animals so too with ourselves. The master in this sense is the one who exercises these qualities with a loving heart. Over time, and now, one becomes ones own kindest master. One that wont let you down. Donde esta the master? Now!

Contemplation – Who is Master?

Above Grassmere in Lake District1

First establish yourself in the Way,
Then teach,
And so defeat sorrow.

To straighten the crooked
You must first do a harder thing –
Straighten yourself.

You are your only master.
Who else?

Subdue yourself,
And discover your master.

The Dhammapada

For all followers of The Way. ‘Keep on walking on’.

What Has Been Given

1Spring Blossom
With a free mind, in no debt,
Enjoy what has been given to you.
Let go of the tendency to judge yourself
Above, below, or equal to others.
The Therigatha

Mind Your Step!

Sitting and waiting. Waiting for the next flight which will take me that bit closer to my destination. That’s Germany and the Black Forest. There to stay for three weeks in a temple of the order run by a monk I ‘grew up’ with at Shasta Abbey. I am glad and grateful to have this chance to ‘boot down’ for a short time. These past weeks have been exceptionally involved for me. Several people near and far calling to my heart as well as admin. needing attention.

I plan to devote time to contemplating this and that and if there is something I can share here I will do so. There will be photos for sure.

Meanwhile ‘watch your step’! A mantra chanted at the start and end of moving walkways. Just part of the sound scape which is all airport buzz, hum and whirling luggage wheels.

It is good to be thinking of Jade readers and to have time and brain space to do that.