Being Mortal

Being Mortal – A Bubble in a Stream

This is haiku by somebody who knows what he is doing

after the weight
of a hiker’s boot
the tormentil springs back

This is more like a tanka, which is an older form than haiku,
by somebody who doesn’t know what she is doing!

everywhere and nowhere
here and gone
Oh my aching bones

Thought I’d share anyway.

The merit of this post is offered to a man who took his life yesterday and for his parents. _/\_

Sounds in Silence

Dew on The Grass, a blog written by members of the Sangha connected to this tradition. Here is a recent post which gives me pause for thought. A Quiet Voice in a Noisy World.

Happy Buddhas Enlightenment

The altar at Throssel for the Buddhas Enlightenment Festival Ceremony.

We celebrated the Festival of the Buddha’s Enlightenment on the 6th December which came at the end of a weekend retreat with many guests here. Always a real pleasure to see people and to catch up during lunch. Rev. Jishin, one of the senior monks resident at Throssel, gave a talk titled “True Heart”. I love to listen to her, hope you get a chance to do that too.

On a personal note: Thanks to those of you who have sent emails asking if I’m OK since I’ve been consistently absent from Jade for nearly eight months! There’s a multitude of good reasons for not writing however when I look at them honestly, they amount to, mostly, excuses! Sorry. I got out of the habit of writing however habits can be changed. This TV interview with James Clear is a helpful ‘how-to’.