Category Archives: Daily Life

Giving Expression

Behind the scenes much has been happening. Emails back and forth. Phone calls. Words of encouragement and some cajoling too. Fingers have been typing, minds have been exercised. Hearts are opening like flowers.

Very soon there will be a tab under the banner image which will read Contributors. Click on that and you will meet people, initially two and later more, who I have asked to write for Jade.

This is an experiment, I’ve been told Jade is an experiment. An exploration would suite better.

We say that in the beginning one trains for ones own benefit, later for the benefit of others. Later training is seen to be for both self and other.

In truth, however, in the beginning, middle and end there is just training. Could that be the exploration, the lively active encounter? Endless and without edges? There is a saying: Enlightened action leaves no wake. and There is no doer who does the deed nor one who reaps the fruit. And still there is the every present matter of action, responding, giving expression.

Thank you contributors. This development is an expression of Refuge. Refuge in Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. Treasures all.

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Why Sit?

Since my first retreat at Throssel in October 2008, I’ve sat 30 minutes every day, without fail.
Since my second and 1 week long retreat at Throssel on April 20th 2009, I’ve sat 2 x 30 minutes every day without fail and 4 x 30 minutes at the weekends.
Up until then I’d sat off and on for 7 years – with long periods of not sitting and longer periods of sitting every day for 15 minutes. Sometimes alone, and sometimes at temples in and around Tokyo.

Why do I have to sit?

The author of the blog goes on to answer his own question.

Read the Zen section.

There are very many blogs talking about meditation. This one comes from a person who has picked up what he learned at Throssel, and uses it. His schedule of sitting is rigorous and that’s how it needs to be for some time. Although few actually follow through and do this consistently. One important point though is to remember to purposefully skip a sitting period from time to time. Nobody has to sit, skipping a sitting is a good…sitting period!

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Keep That Skull Manchester Hermit

This is part of a comment I’ve submitted to The Manchester Hermit’s blog post You don’t know what you’ve got ’til it’s gone. In it I make a case for keeping a human skull, and other human bones, in circulation rather disposing of them. If it comes to that, a decent burial I’d have hoped. There’s an interesting exchange of thoughts connected to this post. The tide is turning towards finding the skull a new, and more appropriate home.

Here is the first part of the comment submitted for moderation, and accepted:

As a Buddhist contemplative of some years I find myself joining with the Manchester Hermit and his task and see merit in what is being pointed to through this project. The skull was, in my view, an important first choice. This form brings home, in a disturbing way, the ever present truth of impermanence. A truth we encounter moment to moment yet only when faced with loss, a death perhaps, does it come home to us personally. Bobbing along, as we do, on the river of changeableness there is the ever present matter of choice. On what do we base our choices? Does the contemplation of the crumbling moment show us something helpful about ourselves, and the way we live? Well yes: and then we make wise choices.

I’d like to make a case for keeping the skull, and other human bones in the museum, to be then given into the guardianship of those who have a legitimate claim to their continuing life. A creative impulse has come upon me in the form of a personal letter to the skull. Please understand it’s offered with the greatest reverence and respect.

The letter not published here…yet.

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Jade Off-line

I tried to run the usual update for the content management system this afternoon and everything blew up!

From John in Houston

Yes there were a few hours of off-line time for Jade yesterday. And now you can see, everything is back to normal. Interestingly it is sometimes easier to say good by to something big like the whole site, potentially for ever, than a single post I’ve lost in the middle of writing it.

Thanks to John, your steady presence as web mentor is much appreciated.
(Uh, not quite out of the woods yet. I see a note about one or two problems with the instalation…)

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After Meditation – Photographs In The Evening Light

At this time of year the sun is still up after evening meditation ends at around 9.00 pm. Traditionally silence is maintained until after morning service. Walking around this evening with my camera, catching the last warm rays as the sun slipped behind clouds, the sense of repose in the place was palpable. A guest taking a breath of air, enjoying the evening. The kitchen monk closing the windows and checking the water boiler in preparation for making tea for breakfast. And out of sight the monks and guests getting ready for bed.

From the library window…wait a moment…where did that cat come from?

Grazing rabbits and the end of the monks meditation hall and main house

Double doors open to air the ceremony hall ready for guests to sleep

Plants in the yard flourish, as do the clouds of bugs

It’s the end of another day. A good day. Thanks to those I met in person, those I met on the phone and those I exchanged emails with…and those of you who come here and read. Thanks one and all.

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