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Why and How Merit Circulates

Here is a short extract from an email received recently.

When I was a smallish boy I would speed on my bike to a 06:30 Sunday mass that was in Latin (which I liked) and devoid of a sermon (which I liked even more). It was a small chapel in which nuns were always in silent prayer 24 hours a day. Somehow I thought that was good, holding the world together in ways I couldn’t understand. Perhaps you do something similar.

In my reply to the above I picked up on merit, the circulation of spiritual merit, which is what I understand silent prayer to be about.

Dear Friend,

Put in simple language, the way I understand merit is ‘good’ generates ‘good’ and the moving of good is through intention. Further, the circulation of good comes about because there is no separate abiding individual self. Since nothing is separate in the fundamental sense, and with Mind infinite, intentional prayer helps the world at a level of functioning which isn’t easily understood by reason. How merit works is mysterious. Anyway however unknowable spiritual merit may be that doesn’t stop merit washing over and through the world. To the benefit of all, like it or not.

I love that the nuns were seen to be in prayer 24 hours a day. In rotation I’d hope! In the days when that was possible it gave people, you as a young boy, a glimpse of the religious life and of course threw up the spiritual question, Why and what are they doing? Even though the religious life is now less on the streets and in the churches, to be seen and wondered at, I feel there is still an intuitive appreciation of its value. Maybe this is because the impulse towards altruism is, must be, built into our makeup. Living an intentional life, with the intention to be the best person one can be, to be kind, generous etc. does help people and not simply on the level of a smile or a wave or cash transferred to a good cause.
With Bows, Mugo
(the original text has been extensively edited)

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The Back Burner and Creativity

When a section of Buddhist teaching or some advice offered just doesn’t seem to ‘sit right’ or ‘ring true’ we advise putting it on the back burner (to cook slowly over time) and wait. Sometimes years later something somebody said or something read will come back with clarity and meaning to teach just when it is most needed. Here is a poet who uses much the same method.

The American poet Amy Lowell spoke of dropping a subject she had in mind for a poem, “much as one drops a letter into a mailbox.” From that point, she said, she simply waited for the answer to come “by return post.” Sure enough, six months later she would find the words of the chosen subject coming into her head.
From American Poetry: The Twentieth Century Robert Haas. compiler, 2000.

Creativity, the process, is always of interest to me. We are all blessed with the capacity are we not. Patience seems to be paramount.

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A Tragic Death

We have just heard news of the tragic death of Choje Akong Rinpoche who was killed in China along with two others. Akong Rimpoche was the founder and abbot of Samye Ling Tibetan Buddhist monastery in Scotland.

Merit to the Rimpoche, his family and followers.

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What’s in a Watch?

I’ve been working all evening on a post for Field of Merit which is really a follow up post to the last one here. About Time is my ponderings on the Caseo watch in the photograph. As it happens About Time is the title of a new film which I’m told is worth watching.

About Time is a British romantic comedy science fiction film revolving around time travel where a young man tries to change his past to have a better future.

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Photo and Words Series

Once again I have pre-published a series of posts to cover seven days while I am away and not able to apply myself to writing, or even thinking about writing. It has been enjoyable to let my fingers do the typing and then find photographs. There might be some thing for you, might touch a cord, might not. Back in a week.

I will be able to publish comments and they are always appreciated.

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