Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Elderly

The space where the elderly live.

In this empty space was once a thoughtful piece about the elderly. (Sadly just deleted by accident.) Perhaps another time. But just to remember the elderly, the collective of old people, and their struggles. There will always be elders for us. I believe they deserve our respect.

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Not Knowing

At dawn
At dawn
At this time of night I’d normally reach for my diary and see if there was an inspirational saying to share with you. But a new year has turned and I have a new diary, with no quotes in it. But what’s this? Last years diary, still beside me. Here is the last quote of the year.

Not knowing
when the dawn
will come,
I open
every door.
Emily Dickinson

Well, I’ll have to contemplate that one.

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All Is Given


The bell rings
108 times in the
clear north night
Here a flame
A light for you.

Go peacefully
into the
New dawn.

With thoughts for Buster dog who passed on not yet 24 hours ago.

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Nothing like it. The wind blasting the buildings, smashing against the window. While all is still and warm and steady in the night within.

Thank goodness for shelter. And thoughts for those who don’t have any this night.

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Let The Light Shine Through

I wish to be washed away
to be as the sea
to BE darkness and light
for the Light to shine through
to the depth

For this Life to be seen.

For this state of profound humility
to be me.

This post is for all those caught up in the recent killings in America. And for all of us who are neighbours, however distant. Within tragedy, horror and confusion the depths of us can shine through. Brighter deeper; still.

In humility we can bow deeply – lost for words. I am.

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