Do the Work That Comes to You?

Since the start of the year, I’ve not been drawn to write here although I’ve thought about it and of you readers quite a bit. I gave myself some ‘space’ to allow the possibility that my work was done in terms of writing for Jade. However apparently not!

This morning, waiting in the library for Rev. Master Leandra to arrive to give another Dharma Talk on Bodhidharma’s teaching , the series available here, I picked up a book and leafed through it.

Many poems spoke to me, the following one especially. So, here it is. There is rich teaching within it, especially around daily life meditation/living.

Better stop short than fill to the brim.
Oversharpen the blade, and the edge will soon blunt.
Amass a store of gold and jade, and no one can protect it.
Claim wealth and titles, and disaster will follow.
Retire when the work is done.
This is the way of Liberation.
Lao Tsu – Tao Te Ching

It is good to be back and to see that words and thoughts seem to be flowing OK, I’ve not lost my ‘voice’ thankfully. Reflecting now I think my talking a great deal during the New Year retreat caused me to internally press ‘reset’ regarding giving voice to my thoughts. It’s easy to get a bit carried away by the sound of one’s own voice and I want to avoid that as far as possible.

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8 thoughts on “Do the Work That Comes to You?”

  1. Wonderful poetry indeed, and wonderful to see your words too, Mugo.

    I am ready to write again, don’t know what, yet….

    The silence too is wonderful.

    1. Please WRITE Sue. The words will come to you. Like deciding to go for a walk and not having a particular route in mind. Yet you go, the way leads you. Sounds kinda ‘zen’ doesn’t it!

  2. I am ready to read and listen. I only write a grocery list or other things to remind my old mind and memory what I need to do today.

  3. Your post and words hit a mark tonight as I was reflecting on what has seemed like an excess of online communication in various forms in recent days. Been feeling the need to quieten down and disconnect a bit…to listen rather than talk. So I’m certainly grateful you continue to write, in gassho, Tim

  4. Dear Rev Mugo

    Thank you for writing on Jade again.

    I understand about the silence.

    I hope you are well & staying cosy. Lots of snow at Throssel in the newsletter photos.



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