Is, Was and Will be Enlightened

bud and blossom1

And the day came
when the risk
to remain tight
in a bud
was more painful
than the risk it took
to blossom.

Anais Nin

I love what I read on Listening Ear. This article Asking for Help, Risk and Reward was in the monthly newsletter, where I picked up on the above quote. Thanks Megan. You are a blossom one and no mistake. As are all the budding blossoms in the world. That would be all beings. Note I wrote budding blossoms pointing out our lives are not bound by time. Shakyamuni Buddha is, was and will be Enlightened TOGETHER WITH all living things. And with the historic Buddha in mind……

We are coming up for the time of the celebration of the Buddha’s birth and enlightenment, known as Wesak. This Sunday I’ll be at Throssel  to celebrate. If the snow isn’t too deep!

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10 thoughts on “Is, Was and Will be Enlightened”

  1. Woke up this morning read this. HGV driver couldn’t make my mind up bout new contract. Really made a difference reading this. You know in your 50s it still applies. Spring never retires. Little poem big effect. Thank you.

    1. Well James, glad the poem had some direct meaning to you. Any age, at any age, flowering still applies. Oh and safe driving those big rigs.

  2. Wonderful! This little poem was so timely for me and speaks volumes about where I am in my life now…bursting with creativity, and much joy for simple things in my daily life. Thank you for sharing that!

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