Category Archives: photograph

Ever Together – Bee Delight

Aconite on the path to Myrtle Bank. Full of Bees feeding.
Bee and me
we are one
Labouring on
and up.

Ever Together.

Inspired by the multiple feeding Bees on the Aconite, currently in full bloom. And also by a 13-year-old me who wrote more or less what appears here. Thanks to the Bees for keeping going, on.

Being Alive

Here are some images taken while I have been away on renewal/rest/ retreat. Too bad I couldn’t catch a photograph of the Kingfisher or the Red kite I saw. Or the Otter!

The pony with upper lip hair was a first for me. The balloon found in a field a sad reminder of what gets sent up into the air in celebration and then lands as litter.

Monty the Tortoise featured in last year’s renewal time and here he is again. He loves his salad.

Picking up litter recreationally? It takes all sorts to make up this big wild world and thank goodness for that. Enjoy with me the scone, jam, cream and fresh strawberries I ordered to celebrate – being alive.

New Monk Joins the Community

Yes, we have a new monk who was ordained on the February 20th. Such a total delight.

Just in case you missed it we have added a subscription feature to the blog. You will find the subscribe box on the right side of this page. When subscribed to the blog each new post will be sent into your email inbox. Your information, your email address, will not be used for any other purpose. Non at all. That’s the same for those who subscribe to Jade, see subscribe box to the left of the page you see now.

The ‘Black Hole’

This post has been republished a few times now. I love that this card from my father turned up within the last couple of years amongst some old holiday cards in the monastery stash, which were available to be recycled. I believe my dad found this time of year quite difficult although he would never talk about ‘low mood’ but would mention the ‘black hole’ and note it in cards or conversations to me. So he obviously noticed ‘something’ going on, as I do.

Yes, it gets dark earlier in the afternoon and light later in the mornings until Black Hole Day when the tide turns and the daylight gets longer, nights shorter. Slowly. My dad would mark the weeks when there was little change in the day lengths as The Black Hole. Not an easy time of year for any of us and many supplement with extra light.

From my late father’s card, 1988.

Happy Christmas holiday and new year. Hope you don’t have to do too much cooking. Hope the Black Hole is not sitting on your back – anyway it is nearly black hole day – 21 Dec Winter Solstice which is far more important than Xmas to me.

Note December 2020. Little did my father know that cooking for the monastic community is an honor and a privilege. Currently, I am cooking lunch each Saturday for the community which numbers around 20 monks and postulants.