About Mugo

Who? I’m a female disciple and Dharma Heir of the late Rev. Master Jiyu-Kennett having been ordained by her in 1981 at Shasta Abbey California. In 2000 I was named a Master. Since 1996 I’ve served as the international OBC Lay Ministry Adviser, a responsibility which has had me traveling back and forth between North America and Europe.

What? Soto Zen within the OBC is the only Buddhist practice I know about first hand and thus I concentrate on speaking about that. In doing so I’m not attempting to persuade or convert anyone to this particular way. Please sit down and take a look around. I like to think you will find some useful information, as well as inspiration and encouragement to keep going on your spiritual path.

Why? Jade Mountains, this weblog, is at heart an expression of gratitude to all those who support my continuing to live a monastic life. That’s gratitude to those who provide financial support by making donations, as well as extend friendship, hospitality, guidance, and encouragement along the way. Without your support and encouragement, I would not be able to live on Alms as a monastic. And this site would not be here.

Contributors: From July to December 2009 three lay practitioners wrote posts for the site. Having others contribute was an experiment and while it lasted it was good and their posts were appreciated.

Teachings: Jade Mountains contains, and points to, various sources of Buddhist teachings. Some blog posts may be labeled as Teachings to make locating them easier. However, one should not assume that teachings are limited solely to that category since they may often occur in more subtle forms in other posts. Those interested in the OBC Zen tradition may choose to order books by monks of the order including our founder Rev. Master Jiyu-Kennett.

Weblog Journey – Thus far: Since 2003 I’ve maintained a website on the Internet, originally called Jade Mountain Buddha Hall. Some of the original content is still here. In April 2005 I traveled in South East Asia for three months and experimented with writing a weblog called Moving Mountains. My intention was to share the sights and sounds of my journey with fellow monastics and lay friends. In April 2008 after three years of maintaining two web sites, the content of Moving Mountains was transferred to a new-look Jade Mountains. December 2012 saw Jade move to yet another management platform called WordPress. The site also got a major make-over too. Hope you like it. June 2014 saw Jade’s look and feel transformed – see post Moving On – Letting Go Eyes.

I continue to write here and walk on. And, as always, gather myself daily in readiness for whatever circumstances call me to do (or not do.)  November 2016.

The Logo: The ship and three drums, up there on the banner, is a religious symbol and registered logo of the OBC and its affiliated temples. It is based on the Chinese character shin, which means Heart/Mind/Buddha Nature.

Disclaimer: The views/ideas/teachings expressed here do not necessarily represent those of the Order of Buddhist Contemplatives as a whole.