Category Archives: Out and About

New Creatures – It must Be Spring

After an all too brief trip to The North (Throssel) I’m heading back to Telford where I will continue to deal with Rev. Saido’s business and belongings. As well as help keep the Priory active and moving along.
As I keep on saying to myself, ‘one step at a time’, and ‘things will unfold’. There is no predicting the future, though one can have LOTS of ideas about it!


Beautiful Camels!

Happy New Year dear Jade Readers. Perhaps because it has been a full day, preceded by many ‘full days’, or that it is New Year’s Eve and we are heading into yet another year of Pandemic, I just felt this news article in the Guardian newspaper HAD to be shared. But why?

It is said that retaining a sense of humour is the saving grace of the religious life. Please laugh, smile, raise your eyebrows in wonderment as we head into the year to come. May we find contentment, peace, joy and a smile in our hearts. Always and forever. And YES, this is a very sad business – Camel Beauty Pageant! Really?

Camels enhanced with Botox barred from Saudi beauty contest

Saudi authorities have carried out their biggest crackdown on camel beauty contestants, disqualifying more than 40 “enhanced” camels from the annual pageant,

The camels disqualified in the competition, at the King Abdulaziz camel festival, were judged to have received Botox injections and other artificial touch-ups.

Botox injections, facelifts and other cosmetic alterations to make the camels more attractive are strictly prohibited. Jurors decide the winner based on the shape of the animals’ heads, necks, humps, dress, and postures.

Being Alive

Here are some images taken while I have been away on renewal/rest/ retreat. Too bad I couldn’t catch a photograph of the Kingfisher or the Red kite I saw. Or the Otter!

The pony with upper lip hair was a first for me. The balloon found in a field a sad reminder of what gets sent up into the air in celebration and then lands as litter.

Monty the Tortoise featured in last year’s renewal time and here he is again. He loves his salad.

Picking up litter recreationally? It takes all sorts to make up this big wild world and thank goodness for that. Enjoy with me the scone, jam, cream and fresh strawberries I ordered to celebrate – being alive.