Sitting still. Sitting still and listening. Sitting still and hearing. Sitting still. Listening. Hearing. Hearing many ‘voices’. Getting up and getting on with ones life. Knowing amidst the clamour; a depth guides. A depth which doesn’t require to know why. Knows not to hang on or to push away, anything. Knows Compassion and acceptance.
I have many voices,
As do we all.
I have many choices,
To make as I am multidimensional.
I have a peacemaker,
But also my Grandfathers’ rage
I do not know why
Maybe I should ask a sage.
I have a needy part,
That I sometimes look down upon.
I have a greedy part,
That likes Jam, cream and scones.
From the poem Getting Out of Jail by Rufus May.
I love the light and playful spirit that comes through the words and approach of the author.
I especially like these lines later in the poem.
I have a part that tries to ground me
In the here and now,
And reads about spirituality
So I don’t get in too many rows!
Amen to that!