What Is Calling?

Sitting still. Sitting still and listening. Sitting still and hearing. Sitting still. Listening. Hearing. Hearing many ‘voices’. Getting up and getting on with ones life. Knowing amidst the clamour; a depth guides. A depth which doesn’t require to know why. Knows not to hang on or to push away, anything. Knows Compassion and acceptance.

I have many voices,
As do we all.
I have many choices,
To make as I am multidimensional.
I have a peacemaker,
But also my Grandfathers’ rage
I do not know why
Maybe I should ask a sage.
I have a needy part,
That I sometimes look down upon.
I have a greedy part,
That likes Jam, cream and scones.

From the poem Getting Out of Jail by Rufus May.

I love the light and playful spirit that comes through the words and approach of the author.
I especially like these lines later in the poem.

I have a part that tries to ground me
In the here and now,
And reads about spirituality
So I don’t get in too many rows!

Amen to that!

2 thoughts on “What Is Calling?”

  1. We all have sub-personalities. I couch a couple of mine as inner dogs, one is a terrier and one is a daft labrador! I have a control freak, a playfull child, etc, etc,… And I am none of them, I can dis-identify thankfuly, that’s where I find my compassion. It’s great when I remember! Sub-personalities are considered in the psychosynthesis model of our experience as human beings.

  2. I find it useful to name my voices, acknowledge them – I may say ‘hello jealousy my old friend!’ So I can be with jealousy but not be jealous.

    I try to acknowlege them listen to their advice and then take measured action or not. I try to remain in awareness and ask ‘What is best here for me and for others?’ On a good day, anyway.

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