
Hush, the wind. The wind? What is wind anyway? We talked a bit about that as we observed the newly dug rabbit holes. Love those baby rabbits, love the wind. Feel the wind on my skin, rain drop on my lips. Rain coat dragging against my side.

More distant now. Hush. Bird sound, distant. Somewhere in all of this sitting still interest seems to wane. Interest in wind and rain and birds and rabbits. And wondering. I guess that too will pass!

Time to go and get some grub before somebody thinks I’ve gone all zen! Perish the thought.

Into The Fire

The ocean on the way to Santa Cruz last summer.

A Fire on the Left

A fire on the left, a lovely stream on the right.
One group walks toward the fire, into the fire, another
toward the sweet flowing water.
No one knows which are blessed and which are not.
Whoever walks into the fire appears suddenly in the stream.
A head goes under on the water’s surface, that head pokes out
of the fire.

Most people guard against going into the fire,
and so end up in it.
Those who love the water of pleasure and make it their devotion
are cheated with this reversal.

The trickery goes further.
The voice in the fire tells the truth, saying I am not fire,
I am fountain head. Come into me, and don’t mind the sparks.
Somehow, each gives the appearance
of the other. To these eyes you have now,
what looks like water burns. What looks like fire
is a great relief to be inside.

By the Sufi poet Rumi.

More poems where this one came from. Bows to Rufus for pointing out the poem, and link. And bows to M my sister in the Dharma, this post is for you.

Your Compassionate Contributions

Thought I’d return to contemplating suicide since there have been several lengthy comments left which give personal accounts on this topic. They merit being republished, together. Thank you all.

On a personal note, back in July 2007 I was called to perform the funeral for a man who took his life. This posting points to an organization which helps grieving children. Interestingly enough returning to the subject of suicide I realize I’m returning each week, to attend a course, to the very town where the chap mentioned lived and worked. He now comes to mind as does his remaining family. Particularly his young daughter.

I find this discussion difficult because my father, who is now 89, has been talking about euthanasia for years. The other day he was very angry & upset about the prospect of what he sees as an “undignified” existence & told me he was going to take his life. I see it all very differently. I’m not against euthanasia for any moral reason apart from it seems to be a mistaken approach, which a Buddhist sees in a different way to many. It hurts me that my dad cannot accept his impending demise & feels the need to rush ahead to death as a way of escaping the last period of time, which may just allow him to come to terms with life & death himself. People try to tell me this is my “stuff”. I feel I want to help my father deal with his situation in the best possible way. I have told him I will help him to end his life if that is what he really wants. Of course I am hoping that won’t come to pass. It’s all too simple for John Humphrys & people with these views to tritely say they will do this. When the time comes things are not that simple.

Comment attached to Onward to Death – Again

“For myself, I can say that my mother’s suicide has given me knowledge – unwelcome knowledge, but knowledge nonetheless. One element of that knowledge is the possibility of suicide. Like drink to an alcoholic, it is always there in the background, always an option. But another part of that knowledge is an understanding of the actuality of suicide and its consequences for those left behind.”

Did I write this or just read it? Could have been either, but it does reflect exactly what I think, having had a mother who killed herself when I was just 19yrs old. I do suffer from depression, and suicide is something I often think about, but cannot do because I know what lifelong pain it causes those left behind. Thanks Rev Mugo for raising this important issue.

Anonymous comment attached to Suicide or No

Suicide has had quite an influence on my life. I have known several friends who have killed themselves. I have tried to learn from their lives, for example how I can support people so they are able to choose to live – to find a way to be (gentle) with themselves. At the same time I try to respect that choice if it has been made or at least be compassionate to it. Sometimes I see suicide as the ultimate protest, that we all need to listen to as a community when someone in our midst chooses this escape route. How can we learn from this how can we live together more peacefully and in ways that allows us to regroup, heal and grow again?

So many people struggle with ‘demons’ that tell them they are not good enough. How do we foster an atmosphere of awareness that embraces these demons and quells their terror? I think talking about suicide and suicidal thoughts can be helpful in making the subject less fearful. Is an accepting approach helpful towards suicidal thoughts? I suppose its that middle way of acknowledging and holding lightly (self destructive thoughts) without giving in or trying to suppress such thoughts. Ok enough talk I am going to go and make lunch!

Comment left by Rufus attached to the posting, Suicide or No

Thank you all for your active participation.

Twitter Followers?

For those of you who follow my Twitter (if you don’t know what that is you are probably better off not knowing!) and saw the last posting without photographs, take another look.

Positive Unrest


See the rabbit in this picture?

There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and it will be lost. The world will not have it.


space in this picture

It is not your business to determine how good it is nor how valuable nor how it compares with other expressions. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open. You do not even have to believe in yourself or your work.


…and a dragon in this one.

You have to keep yourself open and aware to the urges that motivate you. Keep the channel open. … No artist is pleased. [There is] no satisfaction whatever at any time. There is only a queer divine dissatisfaction, a blessed unrest that keeps us marching and makes us more alive than the others

From The Life and Work of Martha Graham

Always we must be disturbed by the Truth. That’s a kind of positive unrest.