Contemplating Empty Space – Garden of Delight

A Sangha friend wrote me recently contemplating empty space. And as I walked the other day in the neighbourhood around Berkeley Buddhist Priory I started to compose a response in my mind. Here is something of what came to me.

You say you are surrounded by stuff, seeds as you call them. Seeds put there by you to aid you in your creative life. A potential garden of beautiful and wonderous delight. Twas a delight this spring to encounter your creative mind and stash of fabrics and whatnot surrounding you. And that was after your friend had moved loaded boxes to your downstairs storage ‘shed’!

You say you need to thin out those seeds to weed in order to give the rest space to grow. As you say, I simply do not have the space, the time and energy to nourish and bring to fruition all the ‘seeds’ piled up in my house. True, so true. I know somebody who would fill a van with your fabric stash, drive it back to the UK and start sewing. You have what she buys on EBay. I do however find myself wanting to caution you. To pause for a moment.

You say that the koan (problem) of daily life arises naturally and having objects fall of shelves and be tripping over things is a sign – to do something. (And I know you are ahead of me on this one already, smart as you are.) The sign, any sign, is not floating in mid-air it’s attached. In this case, to you. You who are living and moving around in mother earth, grounded and growing. You are the number one seed of inspiration without which nothing will grow. The sign just points the way forward. Thank goodness for signs aye?

SO obviously in general the daily life koan arising is pointing right back to the one who is the primary seed, the source of nourishment and of inspiration. Too often there is a rush to get stuff back on the shelves, get back on track, so to speak, when a brief pause will show the empty space (immaculacy) within and around the arising of the koan. Yes, one needs to do what needs to be done and the Sangha Treasure, the pole or pillar going deep into the earth must be seen, known and recognized for daily life watering to be effective. Constantly returning to that truth.

Weed away good Sangha Treasure.

My Luminous Friend

luminous leaves1

Goodbye my
Luminous friend
See you

On some distant
We meet again.

To show
You the Way.

Never far away.

Has it been a whole month already? Sad to leave Canada and the people I know and love here. Thank you folks. Now preparing myself to fly to San Francisco this evening.

Botanie Valley With Bighorn Sheep

Bighorn Sheep posing beside the road.
Bighorn Sheep posing beside the road.

We could hardly believe it to find this Bighorn standing on the top of a gravel pile on the side of the Botanie Creek Road. She had a small one with her – I can’t bring myself to describe it as a lamb since what I saw was a long way from what I know as a lamb. The car inched forward towards the gravel pile and we snapped away from the vehicle. Is this not a breath-taking creature, standing tall and standing proud. Wonderful.

Looking towards the Stein Valley, on road from Lillooet to Lytton.
Looking towards the Stein Valley, on road from Lillooet to Lytton.

Yesterday we drove to a nearby town, Lillooet. By British standards it wasn’t near at all. Lillooet is an hours drive on a road which in places hugs close to the mountain side. Single lane in one place…!The mighty Frazer River wide and gushing forth in a ribbon flows at the bottom of the valley. On our return journey in the late afternoon the mountains towards the Stein Valley Nlaka’pamux Heritage Park stacked upĀ in classic pose painted shades of blue/grey . Scenery is moving and changing and to capture it in a moment is to tell a fraction of its majesty. I find myself uncomfortable in my attempts yet here they are. Images – perhaps they bring stillness as one views them. Stay awhile and take them in as you would in meditation.

From Rogers Pass, Glacier National Park on Trans Canada Highway.
From Rogers Pass, Glacier National Park on Trans Canada Highway.

We left Edmonton Thursday lunchtime and arrived here in the area of Dragon Flower Mountain Temple late Friday evening. Just before Calgary where we were hosted for the night there were golf ball size hail stones falling from the sky denting cars and wrecking awnings. Fortunately the storm was ahead of us. From Banff National Park for most of the journey on the Trans Canada Highway until we reached Rogers Pass we had heavy rain to contend with. Can I say I was somewhat saddle sore after so many hours on the road.

Thank you folks for sticking with Jade and the erratic postings. My priority while traveling and visiting is to be with the people I am with and to take care to get adequate rest. But as I write I see that it is almost tomorrow!

Sometimes I Think It’s Thursday!

The following came to mind this morning as I sat relaxing on the back porch of the home where I’m being hosted. It has been three days since arriving in the Botanie Creek Road area above Lytton in the mountains of BC. Today the weather forecast calls for a high of 40 c! We have reached 34c so far and the day is not over yet.

Picture it. Two hippopotamus wallowing in a mud pool in the noon day sun. It’s hot, very hot. It’s still. Not a whisper of a breeze to ruffle the glass like water around them. Eventually in the midst of their revery one Hypo turns slowly to the other and thinking out loud says, Sometimes I think it’s Thursday!

Still morning on Botanie Creek Road nr. Lytton, BC, Canada.
Still morning on Botanie Creek Road Nr. Lytton, BC, Canada.

Life has been full these past days, and good days too. I have been struck daily by the extra ordinary people I’ve been meeting. Each encounter fleeting yet not at the same time. I’d not know where to start or what to miss out should I attempt to describe these days since last writing. So I will not try. Enough to say a huge thank you to all those people I’ve met, who have kindly listened to me talking about our shared Buddhist practice and who have shared with me windows on their lives.

Here on Botanie Creek Road the forest fires are out and the temple buildings were not touched though the flames came within yards before the winds changed direction. Life can change direction in a blink of an eye. Fires out of control and close to home brings that reality close to home. Yes, sometimes mercifully there is relaxation in the hot summer sun and sometimes, most of the time, we have to be brightly present where we are right now.

However I am struggling to keep track of which day of the week it is. I can forgive myself for that.