Undoing – Untying the Mother-Cord

These Covid times can’t help but bring mortality to the fore and with that the realization that ‘somebody’ will have the task of dealing with that which remains, including ‘belongings’. I’ve done that for a number of people over the years and gladly too but I wanted items to go to places and people who … Continue reading Undoing – Untying the Mother-Cord

Near Death

There isn’t a day goes by when I am not in touch with somebody who is dealing with a life close to ending. Or a death approaching, soon or predictably – quite a bit later. The usual measure of time doesn’t seem to come into it – a moment can seem like a life time. … Continue reading Near Death

Look Up & Let It Be

When all the brokenhearted people living in this world agree There will be an answer – Let it be. For though they may be parted There is still a chance that they will see. There will come an answer – Let it be. The Beatles This verse came in an email recently and I am … Continue reading Look Up & Let It Be

Home From Hospital

Ayse left a comment, she is home from hospital and recovering well. See also her article, Dealings With Pain.

Ambulatory – Or Not?

Two images remain with me this evening. Images of two people on the bus that carried me from Hexham to Allendale this morning. One of an elderly man, the other of a young man – late teens early twenties perhaps. Do you want let off at road end, or the bus stop? The driver called to the old chap as he lurched up the bus, bent over with but a tenuous relationship with gravity. Nothing about him was inspiring ambulatory confidence. My confidence and probably not his either. Even with two crutches he waved perilously as he proceeded. Road end! cried the elderly gentleman. The bus stopped and he stepped out onto a snow bank! He just stood there waiting for the bus to move. I didn’t look back.

All the while, as we drove onwards, my eye kept on returning to a young man. I had a three quarters view of him as he texted – yes probably texting. He was curled over in a C shape. I could see him in the same shape at his computer. He was the same shape as the elderly gentleman.

It strikes me we are a bit like memory foam. We take a shape be it while sitting, standing, lying down, walking and while moving generally, out of habit. However, unlike memory foam, when we move we forget to change shape in response to the new, and ever changing, circumstances we find ourselves in. Too bad. Goodness knows the consequences that flow from ones mind adopting a shape and then not changing shape in response to ever changing circumstances. Food for thought.

Tomorrow Ayse (Dealings with Pain) will be in hospital having surgery and can use all the good thoughts and best wishes we can muster. So let us muster well! For obvious reasons of respecting privacy the details of her surgery are withheld.