Category Archives: photograph

Making Offerings

We pray you may receive our offerings....
We pray you may receive our offerings….

Today, this afternoon. Jill’s Funeral. And then the interment of a portion of her cremated remains. It is hard to let go of good friends, a good sangha friend. Attaching and detaching flow together through out our entire life. (Quote attributed to Zen Master Dogen). Knowing this to be true does not make living it any easier. It does show that we are human.
Here words at the end of the interment of the ashes spoken on a windy hillside in Northumberland.

We pray that the Pure Mirror of Wisdom will share its light with you and that the True Wind will cover you with the coloured halo so that you can be enlightened in the Garden of the Bodhisattvas and work in the Waveless Sea that is Immaculacy Itself. We pray that you may receive our offerings as we say farewell to you, Jill, within the clouds that hide the heavens from our sight. We bow before the Holy Bodhisattvas and we offer incense to them.

Looking up. Pointing to faith. Bowing to the Bodhisattvas. Grateful that the rain held off long enough for us to all get indoors and have a cup of hot tea. And chat. This is all letting go, moving on.

Always an honour to officiate on such occasions.

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Sustained Intention

High above the Eden Valley, Eastern Cumbria
Looking across the Eden Valley, Eastern Cumbria.

What does it mean to commit oneself? To avow? To promise? To throw ones heart and soul into something or someone? To commit to a future outcome? To see something through, no matter what that might involve? Commitment is about sustained intention. Steadfastness. Boldly going on!

Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favor (sic) all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. I learned a deep respect for one of Goethe’s couplets: Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it! From William Hutchinson Murray’s (1913-1996) 1951 book The Scottish Himalayan Expedition.

But this not any old passing thought. My thinking about commitment is linked to a chap I heard about recently who is writing a blog called Future Health 2020 (adventures with cytotoxic chemicals). Here he is introducing himself, Hi, I’m Lee. I was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma on 26 February 2013. This blog charts my journey to future health. Here is a man who has definitely committed himself. I bow to you and may providence flow through and into your life – I guess we would call that spiritual merit.

There is a lesson here for all of us. About commitment to life, the living of it wholeheartedly, no matter what comes.

Read Lee’s post of April 15th where the above quote comes from.

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Buddhist Images

We are spoilt for choice! So many images to choose from and all available to be used.

There are over 6,000 photographs of Buddhist archeological sites, pilgrimage centres, and temples in SE Asia, as well as Videos, Maps, Posters, etc. on this website, please feel free to use the photographs to make more works with them, in accordance with the Creative Commons license on the page where you find them.
Photo Dharma

Here is a photograph from the site.

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