Going On, Always Returning.

The monks retreat has ended however there is still time and space for contemplation. With this in mind I’m returning to very dear Zen Master Ryokan’s poem’s which I hope you will enjoy as much as I do. The photographs accompanying the text will be of fungi. This is for no other reason than I rarely get a chance, or reason, to publish them! The type of fungi I have grow on trees.
About Fungus in Wikipedia.

…the fungi are now considered a separate kingdom, distinct from both plants and animals, from which they appear to have diverged approximately one billion years ago. Many studies have identified several distinct morphological, biochemical, and genetic features in the Fungi, clearly delineating this group from the other kingdoms. For these reasons, the fungi are placed in their own kingdom.

This is Lichen, see comment for it’s place in the fungus kingdom. (edited on 19th December, 2008.)

Returning To The Core – Day Four

Stripped free of flesh and hide,
All that remains is the core of truth*.

Han-shan, AKA Cold Mountain. *see comments


Returning To The Core – Day Three

The world laughs at its shoddy exterior
And cares nothing for the fine grain of the wood inside.

Han-shan AKA Cold Mountain


Returning To the Core – Day Two

The roots have seen the upheavals of hill and valley,
Its leaves have known the changes of wind and frost.

Han-shan, AKA Cold Mountain.


Returning to the Core – Day One

Here is a tree older than the forest itself;
The years of its life defy reckoning.

Han-shan, AKA Cold Mountain.
