I mention the Rocky Mountain Trench which is where the train is traveling while I am taking this video. We are close to a town called Valemount where I spent some happy times while in Canada, 2004-2006.
Yes, to day has been a grand day out. I’ve been rather busy since arriving in this rural temple, Dragon Flower Mountain, so there has been little time or opportunity to write. Thought you might like to zoom in on the Google map and see what the world looks like around these parts. Kamloops Lake and it’s surroundings are barren and uninhabited. But it isn’t going to stay that way for long. A golf course has been put in along the southern shore and fairly soon houses will spring up and along with them will come shops and….
BTW the driving time from Lytton to Kamloops is around two hour. There is an amazing amount of interesting geology going on between these two places. But where isn’t there a lot of geology! Much of the trip was on the Trans-Canada Highway which runs from Victoria on Vancouver Island to St. Johns, Newfoundland.
This is my last evening in Edmonton and I want to end on a sunny note. This image says it all for me. There is a sense of renewal and hope in here somehow and also humour and creative living which brings a smile in my heart.
Here below from Mike P. is my favourate quote of the week.
When I went to school, they
asked me what I wanted to be
when I grew up.
I wrote down ‘happy’.
They told me I didn’t
understand the assignment
and I told them they didn’t
understand life.
Thanks so much to the couple who have hosted me and thanks also to everybody I have met. All precious gems-beads on my travel rosary.
What I have to say in this video is a variation on the general theme of being present where you are. In this case pointing out the wisdom of listening to ones own words while speaking. Not a bad plan. As a singing teacher said to me once, I tell my male voice choir that nothing should come out of your mouth before it has been run through your brain! So even before one gets to the audio, wise thought – is wise.
Please note I have not developed a lisp, what you hear on the video is temporary and more to do with technology than a speech impediment.
Jazzie and Maggie mai bring smiles where ever they go.
Those who had their eyes downcast on Whyte Ave. in deep thought or perhaps troubled thought got an unexpected treat this afternoon. These two characters steadily snuffling and wheezing their way down the sidewalk ignited smiles and all around happiness. May I pet them? A young woman asked. Oh yes, replied Mike their person. They would be offended if you didn’t! So even if ones habit is to have ones eyes, and mind, downcast there is always a chance you will meet something that causes you to be uplifted.
Thanks to Mike and the girls for a wonderful Pug crawl on Whyte on a rare warm afternoon in Autumnal Edmonton.