My need for sleep is winning over my intention to keep posting. Sorry to say.
Monthly Archives: October 2012
Design For Quiet Space – SFZC Event
San Francisco Zen Center is celebrating Fifty Years of Wisdom and Compassion. And this evening there is a special event I think I would go to, if I were in the Bay Area right now. And the same event is also running tomorrow afternoon too. I visited the SFZC in 2008 and was impressed by the building, as well as the people I met. Now the author (Julia Morgan) of the building, the architect, is being celebrated at the event tonight. Here is a description of what it’s all going to be about.
The event will take place at the San Francisco Zen Center and is a moderated panel discussion among architects who will offer insight into the design process for a particular kind of quiet space. The architects will show one or two of their own designs for religious buildings as examples. Addressing the parallels between the practice of design and spiritual practice, the idea will be to showcase the commonality of spiritual spaces by looking at various buildings and the spirit behind their designs. This event will consider Julia Morgan’s designs for religious structures, as well as what constitutes a sacred space and what is involved in the design process to create them. The dialogue of the panel will explore the relationship between the practice of design and the language of how ritual is created.
Yes, I am particularly interested in design for spiritual practice. In particular small spaces for individual retreats. At the Field of Merit project we are looking to construct individual hermitages. Not the grand structures Julia Morgan designed of course. She was herself a grand woman of her time and well ahead of her time too.
Gentle Urgings And Promptings
The dentist nearly always
brings me down.
Never mind he fitted me
with a new crown!Then Orlando
(the cat)
greeted me
at the step.‘I live here’!
you smiled,
with gentle urging,
silent prompting.
With bows to John who left a comment which inspired this post.
September Is A Pregnant Month
September is a pregnant month
Sifting hope from dying embers
Laying to rest old enigmas,
Where dreams had risen to limited vistas.Splashing strange colours on the passing plethora,
But holding not that which is timed.So much must fall before new sights rise
Taking away once clutched at ways,
And drawing a line for season change
Where the unseen can claim its ground.We have not always wanted this passing,
For pain is too close to a dying.But nature has hidden ways, gentle urgings,
Promptings of hidden callings
Unveiled and discovered
By the passing pilgrim.By a practicing Quaker
Thanks go to Andi for sending in the poem. Much appreciated and please thank your friend.
Merit Walk
When I look around at the people I am in contact with quite a number are dealing with cancer and all that comes with it. Somebody said to me today in an email that having the cancer diagnosis puts everyday announces in perspective resulting in a brighter outlook on life generally. I congratulate her. This is not merely looking on the bright side. It is transforming where life is viewed from.
In my recent post on the Field of Merit site titled Thought With Legs I look at what can be done when thoughts grow strong and active legs. Well, I actually suggested taking the thoughts for a walk. A merit walk you could call that.
Spare a thought for those known and unknown who are facing themselves as they face cancer.
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