With The Intention To Be Kind

There is so much in this speech by George Saunders to the 2013 graduates at a university in America I find it difficult to pull out a segment to give you a taster. This morning the theme of kindness came to the fore.

What I regret most in my life are failures of kindness.
Those moments when another human being was there, in front of me, suffering, and I responded…sensibly. Reservedly. Mildly.

Or, to look at it from the other end of the telescope: Who, in your life, do you remember most fondly, with the most undeniable feelings of warmth?

Those who were kindest to you, I bet.

It’s a little facile, maybe, and certainly hard to implement, but I’d say, as a goal in life, you could do worse than: Try to be kinder.

Now, the million-dollar question: What’s our problem? Why aren’t we kinder?

And the answer he came up with is both surprising and not surprising. There is so much basic, kindly, wisdom through out the speech. More about this chaps writing and see a video of him talking.

With a hat-tip to Steve B. who linked to this article on a Facebook page.

Going On From What You Know

May the light shine through. See end of post.
May the light shine through. See end of post.
Yesterday’s ‘poem’ points very much to going on from what you know. This is a constant letting go alluded to in the ‘poem’ from last week, Over and over and Again and Again.

In May 2011 I was asked to give a formal Dharma Talk at Shasta Abbey and in preparation I wrote notes starting with this one Pilgrimage Revisited. Here is an extract from that introductory post.

Sitting still, allowing the senses to still, we enter into a metaphorical darkness of unknowing by allowing the known to fade. This is however an illuminated darkness, bright aliveness of body and mind rises naturally – given half a chance. So, within compassion/acceptance for all that comes and goes, letting go and trusting is…about how it is.

The habit is to follow the arising and the passing. To entertain, wine and dine, thoughts, sensations, emotions, bright ideas, memories etc. It is enough to notice the arising and passing, simply noticing is the letting go. Noticing over and over again, the known fades in importance.

To go to the next post look to the top right of the screen under the banner where you will find Previous and Next – click on Next (obviously!)

I spent last week amongst a remarkable group of people. Each in their own way remarkable, and brave. In a certain way of looking at it the week was about letting go of the known, the familiar.

May the merit of this post go to J, a woman in New York who is in a coma at the moment. May light shine through. Have a thought. Please?

The Stone Maiden Sings

Shrine, Japan. 2005.
Shrine, Japan. 2005.

The stone maiden sings
the wooden figure

This post marks the end of this series.

Over and Over, Again and Again

Water Lily - Shetland. 2013
Water Lily – Shetland. 2013

Over and over
Again and again
the sweet dew evaporates.
Yet who knows?
Who cares!

Bend in the Road

The Rocky Mountains.
The Rocky Mountains.

Bend in the road
chime of a clock
friends call and are gone
the dew of life