A Great British Institution!

At last I have established the ability to post from my phone. The following was intended to be posted three days ago…..

Allotments are an institution much beloved by all who revel in the wonders of vegetable and fruit growing. In close proximity to like minded others. It’s the best of everything community while being lady and lord of your own ‘patch’. All be it a very small patch. And there is always a shed.

Best of all is the real sense of having thoroughly renewed after just a short saunter between the unruly overgrown rows. Grazing!

Thus it was on Sunday afternoon. Heavenly times amidst the allotment tangle. In good company. Thank you to all in Norwich (Norwich Zen Buddhist Priory) who have been so open handed.

4 thoughts on “A Great British Institution!”

  1. Hi, hope you are well.

    We have a community garden here in Penwortham, not so small but manageable. We spend time keeping it looking good and what we produce we give to its neighbours.
    Those who have volunteered over the years have gone on to develop their own piece of land, the goal of the community garden is to enable folk to see that anyone can grow something.
    We have found it valuable to showing a cycle of life to many folk of differing ages.
    I hope all goes well with the allotment.



    1. Keith! How good to see you here writing. Yes, the community gardens are much more of a collective effort as I understand it. And as you say they act as a ‘starter’ and a builder of confidence for people not accustomed to gardening to ‘have a go’.

    1. You find this kind of thing all over. I remember seeing what I understood to be allotments in Germany. And in the US and probably Canada too there are Community Gardens and the Netherlands and the UK too. Which are a slightly different concept but produce the same thing. Produce!

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