Ah Peace! Oh! Changes

The blogging world has been hit with a huge flood of spam commenting these past few weeks and Jademountains has been awash with it. Somebody kindly switch off the comment facility this morning, thank you J, and I can take a deep breath out with relief. Deleting page after spam page of comments has left me frazzled. At the moment only registered users can leave comments, which is basically just me. If you want to say something about a post you can send it via the contact form and I can post it for you.

Over the next week or two my energies will be devoted to organizing moving Jade Mountains into, or onto, a different ‘platform’ where I will be able to drive the site more easily. Comments will be enabled then.

So there will be some changes in the appearance of the site. For the better hopefully. Maybe some disruption of service but hopefully not for long periods of time.

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