Lovely day out on Crosby Beach looking out to sea with 100 iron statues. Just being there. Looking with them brought about an inner calm which couldn’t go unnoticed.
Lovely day out on Crosby Beach looking out to sea with 100 iron statues. Just being there. Looking with them brought about an inner calm which couldn’t go unnoticed.
Rev. Mugo;
These are wonderful. Even a phone picture conveys a certain “something”. They would be quite something in person, especially on a blustery English day…
Michele, from the moment we, we five cousins together, stepped from the car that certain something was there. I think you appreciate what I mean – like being in the mountains.
At first, with the tide in, many statues were submerged. Gradually black spots appeared in the water. Heads, then with time the whole bodies. There was no way one could NOT interact with them. To touch, get up close, stand and gaze. Each ‘person’ cast exactly the same yet weathered very differently. Some even with barnacles. Dogs bark at them. One took a pee on one! He does that every time he passes said the dogs person.
In the end these men looking out were not statues but living things. In 2003 this instalation was due to be moved to New York but the people of Sefton kicked up a huge fuss. They are ours! And thus they have stayed.