Yesterday, Wesak Day. We celebrate the Buddhas Birth and Enlightenment sometime during May, the event marks the Buddhist New Year. Traditionally Wesak is on the Sunday that is closest to May’s full moon. In Malaysia this year that’s the 29th May. As a point of interest Rev. Master Jiyu’s Ordination Master, the Venerable Seck Kim Seng, was instrumental in getting Wesak Day made into a public holiday in Malaysia.
As you can see we get out the Buddhist, home-made, bunting and generally decorate brightly around the monastery. I was fortunate to be at Throssel on Sunday to join in the celebrations.
Today, a public holiday. Moments of repose beside a river: here Wild Garlic in profusion, a Blue Heron statue like, birds calling. A lone duck floats by on the current. Ah! the sunshine, the warmth. The profusion of greenery. It’s been a record-breaking day in terms of temperatures. A good day all around. Even the trash looks good today!
Sitting beside the river this afternoon my mind wandered to those less fortunate all around the wide world. This post is for them.
Spent the day at Arnside with my eldest grandson. Glorious weather and even managed a walk to the top of Arnside Knott. Norman’s last mountain? Let’s wait and see.
Nice day for it and the Knott is a challenge especially if it is hot. Which it was yesterday.