Bins to the Rescue

For days we have been anticipating the arrival of our new rubbish bins. We’ve speculated on the size, the number and the all important, when will they arrive? The mileage we collectively and individually got out of the subject of our new bins over the past week(s) has been impressive! And here they are, they arrived to-day.

Now we can discuss, in fine detail, just what we can, and cannot, put in the grey recycling bins. Yes, grey for recycling and green for the rubbish. We have already been reminded that this is counter intuitive.

Yes, it is not easy to find things to talk about that don’t lead to Preceptual difficulties. The new bins have been gratefully received, on several counts. Practicing right speech while not becoming tiresome or repetitive can be quite a test, where ever one lives.

Writing a blog without becoming tiresome or repetitive or just plain boring is a huge test. Especially when sharpening ones opinions is not part of ones daily practice.

Thanks for visiting.

6 thoughts on “Bins to the Rescue”

  1. Speech seems to be one of the most slippery areas of all for me. I start out alright, and then before i know it…!
    Especially if i am a bit stressed out or wound up by something.
    I find it very hard not to ‘sharpen’ opinions and reinforce my position even on a gross level, let alone in the subtle ways that you mention.

    Some situations seem to demand speech, however unskilful, probably just to avoid awkwardness.
    I was wondering if you had any advice for navigating the above, without causing too much turbulance?

    Thanks and best wishes,

  2. Thank you for all the effort that goes into this site Rev Mugo. I cannot get out of the house much at present and this blog is part of the Sangha treasure for me.

    By the way, we have green bins for recycling and grey bins for rubbish – the intuitive way round. The forms we use are not fixed or rigid!

  3. Dear Rev. Mugo…nice to see a picture of Throssel, even the bins. Out here in Kosovo any bin at all is a blessing – whatever the colour! Recycling is like vegetarianism – a distant concept!
    In gassho, Tim

  4. Thanks all of you for leaving your comments. Tim, you bring us back to how fortunate we are, and how basic life is where you are. I hope all is well generally, as well as you can hope for.

    Miles, I will attempt to write an answer to your question, maybe a posting when I have some time. Thanks for asking too as questions help me a lot to come up with something to write about. Asking questions is a way of giving of oneself which helps others, as I am sure you know already.

    Ann, Thanks for your kind words of appreciation. One of my intentions in continuing to write after I returned from traveling last June was to provide a ‘place’ for people like yourself to connect with the Sangha. So it is gratifing to see your comment.

    Ray and Michael, A smile to you both. Thanks.

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