Boundless Sky

Wells-by-the-sea, Norfolk, 2008.

I have the blessing verse in my mind, the one that starts – The Universe is as the boundless sky…just seems to be there for me this evening. No edges, boundless, complete boundlessness…how else could ‘this’ be? Sit well, sleep well, rise well, walk-on well.

For the next six weeks I’ll be away from the monastery – renewing, resting, reflecting and retreating. And walking and taking photographs and probably posting here too.

8 thoughts on “Boundless Sky”

  1. This reminds me of great master Mazu and Baizhang and the wild ducks. Mazu having set up the koan tweeks Baizhang’s nose then asks ‘How could they have flown away?’

    Best wishes for a nutritious six weeks.

  2. Dear Rev Mugo
    Have a nice restful break.

    That picture of the geese reminded me. There is a guy over in Mohope who kept a flock of snow geese that never migrated back to Canada. I wonder if you ever saw them flying around the (West Allen) valley? They are beautiful birds.


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