Californian Sun – Shining

Walking up the hill in the early morning
to find Hotei had arrived already. Full of joy – together.
Later, in town. Oranges – on a tree!
and from Disneyland, or maybe outer space….these trees!

Film Review:
K-PAX. This is a film in which a psychiatrist comes up shining, compassionate, thoughtful and kind. And patients get better. What could be better! Serious matters such as life and death and cause and effect are set against a backdrop of mystery. All this, coupled with humour, making this a must watch again film.

Dharmaflix has a review too.

4 thoughts on “Californian Sun – Shining”

  1. WOW! Prize winning photo for the first one! The shadow on the earth really looks great! BRAVO! :0) I’m off to the Temple for 10 days on Saturday…so I won’t be able to read anything until I’m back. Take care of yourself in the heat!

  2. Thank you for reminding of this wonderful movie, which I saw years ago. Yes, time to see it again — in honor of Jeff Bridges’ Best Actor award this year if nothing else (a favorite American actor long-overlooked).

    When it’s nice and warm, life takes on a fine, slow pace. Best wishes for staying cool.

  3. Somebody else rather liked the image too. It might be a bit misleading though and I’d like to set the record straight. While it is summer here the earth isn’t THAT dry everywhere. The very many trees and bushes have a charm and smell which I’m appreciating more and more the longer I’m here. Already there is a mini woodland growing up as more and more become established.

  4. You know Margaret somehow this whole business around temperature regulation, warmer/cooler, has passed me by on this trip. At the moment I am just enjoying being here in Southern California so much – slightly reminding me of being in Australia. There is such a beauty to be found in this kind of landscape.

    I might be singing a different song come January/February in northern England when it comes to temperature regulation.

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