Category Archives: Teachings

Alone With Others

Here at Telford Priory to write a leaflet about our religious order, The Order of Buddhist Contemplatives. The intent is to raise awareness about the Order generally. What it does, it’s purpose and the like. Here’s a line about our basic religious purpose:

The underlying purpose of the Order is to foster the successful religious practice of its members.

On way to foster success is to remember that one practices alone together with others. Writing collaboratively, as we are, is an expression of this. When isn’t it a matter of alone/together?

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Old Night

Without a jot of ambition left
I let my nature flow where it will.
There are ten days of rice in my bag
And, by the hearth, a bundle of firewood.
Who prattles of illusion or nirvana?
Forgetting the equal dusts of name and fortune,
Listening to the night rain on the roof of my hut,
I sit at ease, both legs stretched out.

Zen Master Ryokan

It’s nearly tomorrow. The today is old, tomorrow not yet born. Long day with computer, internet security issues (solved), and all manner of other computer matters. And amidst all this a hospital visit to one who could be miserable all things considered. But not. She said, I’m completely dependent, I’ve got nothing…and yet there IS something. Everything is happening so fast.

Thanks to Ryokan, my hospitalised friend and Rev. Saido for his patience.

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The Important Thing

The following verse is recited three times during both animal naming ceremonies and animal funerals. There was a Funeral Ceremony here at the Priory this morning held in memory of a congregation members long-time feline companion, Topsy.

Desire the pure crown of Buddhahood
and realise the True Nature of a Bodhisattva quickly.

These words strike a cord, pointing out the important thing. A help amidst the bustle and tumble, good reminder for all I’d say.

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Gratitude Knows No Bound


An emotion? A thought? An action? An attitude of mind? An expression shouted out (and inwardly) covering the great earth?

Probably all of the above and more. And the more is the moving on, or in and out, of the above.

It is said that the Great Earth is the foundation of gratitude and refers to the fundamental ground of Everything. That’s a ‘great’ larger than normal conceptions. Posting April 5th, 2005 – Green Mountains are Forever Walking.

Gratitude, as the expression goes, knows no bound. No wonder expressing gratitude is the simple every-day work of getting on and doing the best one can, in every-day circumstance. And that is not dependent on feeling/thinking/being grateful. Living Buddhism is bigger than that.

Moved to write this in response to an engaging phone call this morning and to an email from somebody letting me know a donation had been made to Jade Mountains through Every-Click.

BTW. I’ve updated the donation page recently. If you plan to make a donation via Every-Click please take a look. Your offerings cover the great earth.

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Master Sheng Yen

The Venerable Master Sheng Yen died yesterday at Dharma Drum Mountain complex in Taiwan.

Busy with nothing, growing old.
Within emptiness, weeping, laughing.
Intrinsically, there is no “I.”
Life and death, thus cast aside.

by Venerable Master Sheng Yen

Several years ago the venerable one came to Throssel and talked with the monks. Sadly I was away at the time. I admire him and his teaching greatly and offer my thoughts for those in East Asia and in the West who continue his lineage.

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