Climbing up High

Well these photographs are too good (breath-taking) to miss. And I am proud to say I took the banner photo on the warpandwoofknitting blog. The 27th was a special anniversary day for the author and what better thing to do than go hike up a mountain.

Being up high, climbing up to a high point and look out around, is what I love to do. Inspiring and a time when insights break free in unexpected ways. Ah! Happy memories of climbing a Tor on Dartmoor years ago – which is where I may well be in a few days time.

4 thoughts on “Climbing up High”

  1. Wow..what an excellent site. Congratulations for the Banner photograph, it was lovely. Thank you too for that connection.
    I am currently learning how to knit socks – something I have avoided doing thinking it too hard, or too simple and definitely not for me. However, it is not rocket science, I simply needed to sit still, apply myself and understand the process and then, voila, a pair of snug socks. No longer am I ‘afeared’ of knitting socks. Hurrah. in gassho.

    1. Oh so glad you went and looked at blog. Great knitter there and adventuress too. Go for it with the knitting of socks. I may have done a pair sometime in the past. There are several knitters in the monastic community. I’ve put my needles down for the moment. Other things more pressing at the moment.

  2. Hi, RM Mugo. Enjoyed your photos, as always. Your remark about your liking to go up high, reminded me of a recent news story about a Benedictine monk who also likes high places. In case the story didn’t make the news on your side of the pond, here’s the link: (and don’t worry — he was not sunbathing all of himself). Take care. In gassho, Jade

    1. Too bad I’ve not had a chance to follow the link and thanks for assuring me that the monk was not in the ‘altogether’! Love to you Jade, and do take care of yourself. _/\_

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