Allendale to Coalclough
Coalclough is at the top of our valley. Once a thriving lead mining community now just a couple of houses. I’ve passed the way marker many times and then noticed today that somebody had laid it bare and scratched out the moss from the lettering. I’m not sure what the 6 (miles) indicates, perhaps it’s six miles from Allendale to Coalclough. Anyway, once again I’m reminded what an incredible location this is and how fortunate we are to be able to live here.
Looks like Coalclough was inhabited in the 1700’s, and Australia looked like a good alternative for at least part of this ancient family.
just shows how things change, even on a large timescale. Once a thriving community, now almost a deserted wilderness. Then in other places vice-versa. Constant flow I reckon.
I suppose that milestone is a milestone in more ways than one.