Counting Cats

Rev. Margaret and Orlando two
Orlando Two – stalking

Wow! what a racket late at night here in Portland. A train hooter close by, now the hum and rattle as the cavalcade goes by. American trains hauling goods. Sounds so close and maybe the line IS that close. Now the cat here at Portland, Mr. B, is tinkling his collar outside of the room I’m in. He’s a most vocal cat but there is only the tinkle. No meows at this late hour. Thankfully.

The Reverend and I have been walking regularly in the neighbourhood around the Portland Priory. Yesterday we saw eleven cats. Today just five. Orlando, all orange cats are Orlando to me, was extending himself in the most charming way. Readying for a charge across the road for a squirrel.

It is such a pleasure to spend time with my long time monastic friend. We have many interests in common, cats, vintage American cars, the Dharma. And more.

4 thoughts on “Counting Cats”

  1. “Walk cheerfully over the world answering that of god in everyone”
    George Fox 1624 – 1690
    Sounds like that is what you and your friend have been doing as you wander through Portland and your shared history

  2. Yes the priory is that close to the line!

    It was great meeting and talking with you in Portland.

    I love to hear the train. Reminds me of the aliveness of the world at all hours.
    But my apartment is a bit farther away from the tracks.
    It is also good for training the patience as it is frequently stopping progress.
    Happy travels and keep counting cats!

  3. Michael! How wonderful that you plugged in to this place. Great to meet you at the Priory and good fortunes with you Buddhist practice. The way American trains cross roads like they do, holding up traffic for what seems hours amazes me. Patience, or find an alternative route? Or both? Yes I’ll be counting cats. A ginger one on a shed roof this morning gazing into the kitchen window – then sitting on the ridge gazing out in contemplative thought. Ah cats!

  4. I do like that word wander Nic. There should be more wandering done in this world or rush and hurry. One definition of wander goes: Go via an indirect route or at no set pace.

    Thanks for stopping. I haven’t done much stopping this past week. Here I am back to where I came from, North West England in the rain. Hope to see you and others before not too long.

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