The Great Silence
enfolds the world.Who could have guessed
Its tenderness?”
Daizui MacPhillamy
He died in his own bed
Ten years to the day.Shortly before
a snowflake
fell on his face.He smiled,
he was home.
I miss him still, his council in particular. Today alone, driving south I spoke out loud. Telling him about this and that, asking into the thin clear air.
There is that which is not born, and does not die.
I never knew him. I came to this tradition many years after his death but his book, “Buddhism from within” is one of my favourites. He is still teaching.
This book has always been a favourite of mine too.
I love this quote. It had been so easy to overlook the Tenderness but for Rev. Master Daizui’s kind counsel at important times. To this day, to this moment, he helps keep my Heart as open as possible.
Thank you so much for posting this, Rev. Master Mugo. Indeed, all is resolved in the Unborn, in form and in formlessness.
In gassho and with deep bows, Jim
I will always remember his laughter and his example of deep kindness and respect for all.
With Love & Bows,
Yes indeed Mo. And I just remembered the colour of his eyes! Blue. Amazingly blue.
Rev. Master Daizui continues to be a very active presence in my life. Last fall, I called on him for help and he walked through my “dream” pointing me in the right direction, with no words of all. The love remains and always will. ~Kathleen
By gosh and I miss you Kathleen too. Thanks for leaving this remembrance of our dear friend.
Is it really ten whole years since he past away? As Dogen said, “time flies swifter than an arrow.”
At times like this I get the feeling Rev. Master Daizui never really went away.
In gratitude
Yes Norman ten years and no years in a certain kind of way.