Dance the Ancient Dance

If you are alone
or if you are in company
and feel alone
Then listening and watching
will remind you that

Listening, not being SO busy
so involved in getting things done
or overly involved
in your own hard times
or the hard times around you.

Stop! Listen!
Together with.
and the Great Universe
will dance the Ancient Dance.

David Whyte from Laura Hope-Gill on Vimeo.

All that said, and but that I would be faultless at taking my own advice, it is onwards to cooking! I’ll be listening to ‘you all’. Happy Holidays.

Have a peaceful day, wherever you are.

13 thoughts on “Dance the Ancient Dance”

      1. William Blake uses ‘genius’ in this way. I’ll check out more of this poet’s work, thanks. A tree is just a tree.

  1. Morning Mugo,
    have a good morning in the kitchen – me to.
    Thanks for your lovely posts;
    Nollaig shona mo chara

  2. No ! Good stuff ….Know something of the great fire ball of doubt which is to be swallowed whole …(apparently) πŸ™

  3. Happy Holidays and thank you for the heart felt post!! It’s blistering rain and wind today and I am enjoying the season of gathering with friends and family in Paradise,California πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈπŸŽ„πŸ™πŸŽ„!! Be well and warm and so great to feel the belonging within!πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈπŸ™πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ

  4. Happy Holidays and all is well in Paradise,California. So looking forward to gathering with friends and family in our home with gratitude in our hearts!πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈπŸ’•πŸŽ„Be well and warm!!

  5. David Whyte is a long time favorite of mine… beginning with the poem he wrote while on retreat in a Zen monastery (possibly one of ours). He was asked not to write during his retreat. Here is his disobedience:


    These few words are enough
    If not these words
    This breath
    If not this breath
    This sitting here.
    This opening to life
    We have refused again and again
    Until now.

    It is not enough to know.
    It is not enough to follow the inward road
    Conversing in secret,
    It is not enough to see straight ahead
    To gaze at the unborn thinking the silence belongs to you.
    It is not enough to hear even the tiniest edge of rain.
    You must go the place where everything waits.
    There where you finally rest
    Even one word will do.
    One word or the poem of your hand
    Turning outward in the gesture of gift
    And how we are truly amazed to find
    The great silence asking so little.
    One word only.

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