Enough for One Day!

There are a lot of new posts to-day. In an ideal world I’d write each day and not have this kind of back log to put into the Blogger.

As you will see Iain is responsible for writing the descriptions of the temples, and I am grateful for that, couldn’t have done it without him. Couldn’t have made this trip without the help of both Iain and Edera.

Before we fly to China on the 6th my hope is to record the following visits:

Fukuji-in in Tokyo and the wonderful farewell meal we had with Noguchi Roshi, Prof. Shimizu and Okabe Roshi.

Sempukuji, Koho Zenji’s first temple near the Pacific Ocean where we met such kindness and generosity.

Oh, and there is this mornings nature walk Edera took some of the youngest English students on. There are a few really good photos to show you including the one of two children holding bamboo shoots we were given along the way. The shoots are as thick as an arm. They look nothing like what you get out of a tin! One of the mothers cooked them and delivered them this evening. Thankyou.

2 thoughts on “Enough for One Day!”

  1. …And so, on to China! The journey so far, in Japan alone, has been something of a major event. If China is on the same scale, this will become an epic.
    I was in Beijing in 1997 and spent a day at Yong-He-Gong temple, where I bought my jade Kwan-yin statue. Good luck on the next stage of your journey.

  2. Spent the last hour enjoying your log – thanks Iain for the descriptions, and the fantastic photographs Rev Mugo.

    much gratitude

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