Evening Magic

Sometimes the evening sky is magical. Tonight it was thus. Perhaps my view was coloured by the film we have just watched. In the fading light, walking the lane back to our rooms, we chatter softly. There is change in the air.

We are switching gears, moving from full days with many guests towards full days with even more guests, for a short while. Then? The fall monastic training term. Nights drawing in, drawing in already. And come September 20th I’ll have been here one whole year.

So with a whiff of joy and sadness mixed together, they are so close, we switch gears. The year is always turning, transforming, moving. Ever renewing.

The Bagdad Cafe is magical, in more ways that one.

4 thoughts on “Evening Magic”

  1. Simply be with what ever is happening. Joy and sadness mixed together, they are so close. The family.

    The clumsy ways of trying to connect that caused so much grief and sadness and tightness in the past now hint at joy.

    Nirvana is no longer a place to escape to. It’s right in the middle of where I didn’t want to go.

  2. Such a lot said by you in this post Rev. Mugo; the wonder of the world, the seasons of the earth and our life, time and our reflecting upon it, the bitter sweet joy of change from one phase to an other…

    The Bagdad Cafe – yes a really good movie!

    Thanks for your postings.

  3. Thank you for the lovely postings. There is something so restful about the color scheme in the flower photo, just to rest the eyes on it for a moment eases the heart.

    Family — Jim’s poem says it all. Whether family of birth or family of choice — a gathering multiplies our humanity and enhances our holiness. Blessings and best wishes to the monastic sangha family.

    If someone asked me to name my one favorite movie of all time, Bagdad Cafe would come to mind. Thank you for reminding me, it’s time to see it again.

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