Everyone Was Looking Up…

People started gathering at the Lighthouse Missionary Baptist Church in south western Kentucky before sunrise. It was the first Friday in December, 23 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 5 Celsius) at dawn and nearly windless. Everyone was looking up.

Want to know what this is all about?

The Wood Buffalo National Park Alberta Canada, is immediately north of the oil sands mining operation referred to in this posting yesterday. This park is the only known nesting site of the whooping crane, bless ’em. It’s pure coincidence that these two stories, decimation of the land and saving a species through human intervention, follow on one another here.

Thanks to Jack for sending the link to the article. As he said in his email It is really a joy for me to see when we, as humans, are involved in helping our fellows on this planet. Especially after we have done some unwise things that have caused problems.

OK everybody, Look Up!

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