From Splashmob to Flashmob!

Couldn’t resist! No doubt we have all seen flashmob recordings. TheĀ  link to the one below was sent to me by a dear Canadian reader. Thanks Diane it just seems to fit the day and times following on as it does from the frogs yesterday. I went to look at the pond this lunch time and the frogs are still cavorting.

4 thoughts on “From Splashmob to Flashmob!”

  1. Lovely. However it is a galaxy away from out current situation in complete police reinforced lock down here in Spain!

  2. You may have seen it before on YouTube under ‘Come Clog Dancing Flash Mob,Newcastle-upon-Tyne’
    If not,it’s fun. Filmed in centre of Newcastle by Gray’s Monument on a pleasant ,dry Summer’s day.

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