Goodby Kind Friend – The Bear The Cat

For those who have loved and lost a dear cat friend.

My cat The Bear died yesterday morning. I’m pretty sure I know the exact moment he died because at about 2.40am I woke with a full body jolt that felt like a benevolently intended electric shock and my house felt very different to how it had ever felt before. A few hours later, as the lazy winter sun was finally beginning to rise over the line of bare trees overlooking my house, I went downstairs and found him on his side in the hallway, lifeless. I wrapped him in the towel I’d been recently using to dry him after cleaning his increasingly matted fur, and buried him in the garden.

Tim Cox blog

A dear friend, Angie, sent me the link to this post and said, You might be interested to read what Tom Cox wrote when his old puss died as it is very moving. Quite long though so when you get time! It’s about the best account of the death of a companion animal I’ve ever read. I thought at first it was her voice and story, it could have been. However as I read on, drawn in, I realized it wasn’t mainly because the back story didn’t fit what I knew of her. Writing books….you could do that Angie….

This post stands in memory of all those animal friends we have buried after many years of companionship. I’m remembering Petrushka dog and Max cat both late of Shasta Abbey.

2 thoughts on “Goodby Kind Friend – The Bear The Cat”

  1. Seasons greetings! ❤️
    So sorry for your loss. I know well the sorrow of saying goodbye to a beloved pet but thankfully they remain forever in our hearts!

    1. Happy New Year Jessica. It is the anniversary of my mothers birth today. She was born 1908! Bless her. You think mothers will live for ever, but they don’t. But live on in the heart for sure.

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