Republishing this from 2013. Tomorrow, October 15, 2017, at Shasta Abbey we celebrate the Festival of Great Master Bodhidharma. How time does fly.
Beyond this mind there’s no Buddha anywhere. The endless variety of forms is due to the mind, but the mind has no form and it’s awareness no limit. Unaware that their own mind is Buddha people look for a Buddha outside the mind. To seek is to suffer. When you seek nothing you’re on the path. To give yourself up without regret is the greatest charity.
Words drawn from: The Zen Teaching of Bodhidharma, Translated by Red Pine
Today we remembered Bodhidharma during a ceremony dedicated to him and his teachings. The above was read out at the start of the ceremony for all to hear. It struck a chord.
Deep bows Rev Mugo for sharing the teachings.
Bodhidharma is often shown with a stern visage but his writings display a profound compassion.
Thank you for this posting.
With a deep bow