When you can…
Go where you don’t want to go,
Do what you don’t want to do, and
Help someone you don’t want to help…
you become an adult.
Remembered from The Water Babies by Charles Kingsley.
I’m really pleased to have this quote from The Water Babies which a fellow monk reminded me about during a phone call this evening. Thanks Reverend, it’s a good one to remember on basic practice, for any of us. Meister Eckhart has something to say on spiritual adulthood, if only I could find the quote….
And then there is this hearty refrain from way back when The Mamas and The Papas where singin’. Was that from the 1960’s when many of us where not going to grow up, while thinking that we were!
I really ought to read more about Meister Eckhart, there are several of his quotes that i love –
“If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, ‘thank you,’ that would suffice”
Thanks Ray, I remember coming across that quite while looking for the one on spiritual poverty.
The one I am seeking has something like…have nothing, want nothing and know nothing in it.