Books are rarely part of my life and now I’m surrounded by them. Dipping in, but not staying long. Still unwell, it’s not so easy to concentrate for any length of time. Computer’s at the menders. Replacement computer so so. Still surrounded by books but loosing touch with where I am for lack of suitable markers. (and I NEVER turn over the edge of a page, except for paperbacks.) Then I remember a posting on The Logogryph about bookmarks.
And, since I’d ran out of things to mark my places, in all of these books I’m surrounded by, I resorted to the unthinkable. (unfortunately I’m not able to upload the photograph of my handiwork,) I cut up my favorite inspirational card, of a hut on stilts, into three strips. Perfect bookmarks. And, if I arrange them just so, I can still see the roof poking out like one half of a smile.
Thanks to Tom for the posting and to all of those enjoying sub zero temperatures in Edmonton, Canada.
I had to add this one.
Now I am over that “certain age” and said certain age is catching up with me, I use the bus courtesy of a bus pass. I use the bus every day to get back up the hill from my studio.
Now I am no longer short of bookmarks, – they are re-cycled bus tickets.
Hi Rev Mugo
Sorry to read you’re still not well. Luckily for me reading is something I’m able to do again, with in reason, after a couple of years where it was impossible. I really missed it.
Thanks for your support and this blog.
Hope you get well soon.
In gassho, Kevin
Rev. Mugo, Im sorry that you are still under the weather. I’m sending you wellness and peace and hope your computer troubles are overcome, Rosemary
I was reading an article about being hurt, holding on to hurt vs letting go of hurt. Then noticed it was time to go to work. I reached around my coffee mug into my messy deck for something to mark the unfinnished article… and what I grabbed ahold of was a brand new small bandaid. Perfect bookmark!!! I may start that article over…
To be honest this happend a couple months ago. And I can’t remember if I ever finished the article.. If I did, Good!!
I hope your health is back to 100% again soon and in the meantime I hope you enjoy and make the most of the opportunities your current situation presents.
PS I love books and love reading both books and online articles… I have a bunch of small Buddha or related images I use for bookmarks, they are always a good Dharma reminder when I open a book.
I have a fair number of bookmarks, and this is because if I get a card I like particularly, I cut the front off and use it as a bookmark. It’s a lovely way to keep enjoying those thoughtfully chosen cards and remembering the donor. Who said bookmarks have to be long and thin? Most of mine are not but they do just fine. In extremis I put the book face down on a flat surface and open at the right page, but that’s not really ideal. And yes, to some extent I also choose a bookmark that seems to “fit” with a particular book.
My mother was a librarian and taught me to care for books properly (well, I like to blame her, but maybe it’s my OCD?) and I just would not be able to ever turn down a corner of a page even in a paperback, nor do I underline, even with pencil, but I do use a lot of post-its!
Anyway, keep reading and keep recuperating Rev Mugo!
Sorry to hear you’ve been ill, and I hope that by now you’re feeling better.
….As to bookmarks, I used to like the pretty ones with the tassels hanging off the top, and there may still be one or two such lurking about, but having had a couple of friends of the feline variety who delighted in grabbing the tassels and dragging the bookmarks off to some hidey-hole which only cats know how to access, I long ago went to something more pragmatic though less attractive. Whatever I’m reading, I always encounter a word I want to look up or a fact I want to learn more about or I have an idea that I want to explore at length later. For a bookmark I use a sheet from a small memo pad or a page from a small notebook or even a full sheet of paper folded lengthwise. When I want to make a note of something, I write it on the bookmark. Then, when there’s a few extra minutes, or when the book is done, and definitely before that bookmark is replaced with a new one, I investigate all my bookmark notes.
Take care.
Rev. Mugo
and what was the inspiration in the inspirational card?
i hope you are feeling better.
i will look around on your homepage and see if there is an address
to send an old favorite (of mine) un-cut inspirational card that can be cut-up for another bookmark.