Hammock Time


Hammock: A hanging bed of canvas or rope netting (usually suspended between two trees); swings easily.

Yep, I spent three wonderful hours this afternoon at Eugene Priory swinging easily suspended between two trees, napping and contemplating. Then this evening a meeting with the good people who make this small temple possible. It is one of the few purpose built temples in our Order and largely built by the lay congregation. In fact I can’t think of another temple with a similar history at the moment. It’s set in a small woodland right at the edge of the city limits, bounded by three roads, minor roads. Quite the wild life sanctuary too – deer, chicken, cats + dense vegetation.

This is really for those who concern themselves about my well being. The message is, I’m learning to pace myself and isn’t that about maintaining a balance in ones day?

4 thoughts on “Hammock Time”

  1. Hi Rev Mugo, good to hear you’re doing well and getting some time to hang out in the hammock. Think I need to get one of them!

    I too am managing to pace and relax AND I’m enjoying it :oD

    In gassho, Kevin

  2. What a wonderful way to spend a few hours. Eugene Priory sounds like a place that I would like to visit one day. I hope you enjoy your stay, there. With Bows – Karen

  3. Little did I know what was ahead for me when I was in Eugene Priory resting in that hammock. As it happens Iain most likely had a heart attack around that time, which he didn’t die of. As always, thank you for your support.

  4. Hay Kevin! That is a great emoticon if I may say so. Big wide grin. Pacing and relaxing is good for you, good for all of us. I am doing my best with that at the moment.

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