Let Us All Be Careful Out Here

A thought for all those people caught up in the drama of the severe weather here in England. My huge sympathies for the hardship it is causing so many people. I’d hope we, collectively, can maintain a level of walking forward, looking up and generally acting in a way that keeps everybody safe.

My, now about to be disclosed, location is Kirkby Stephen in Cumbria. There is not that much snow here although bitterly cold. The current project is…to get out of where I am now, sitting on the floor of a guest house room. Walk down the very icy street, calling in at the Spar shop to top up my mobile phone with air time – and buy some vegi. And then make my way to the house where I am cleaning and painting walls, and shifting stuff in preparation for furniture to be moved into next week-end. Weather permitting.

Sometimes I end up helping people, in this case a person who studies with me, in very practical ways….and gladly done.

Let’s be careful out there.

3 thoughts on “Let Us All Be Careful Out Here”

  1. Speaking of projects – did I miss the ‘what was it’ of the illuminated shed post? I recall a picture of a light filled shed and the a statment about all being eventualy revealed, but I don’t recall a follow up post.

    As for the snow I almost got stuck in it today – no traction, car struggling to grip…

  2. What a coincidence this should come up. I was just thinking about it this morning. My husband wondered if it was where you kept all the ‘enlightenment’!

    Will the mystery finally be revealled . . . . .?

    Hope you are enjoying your time in Kirby Stephen Reverend Mugo and that the furniture moving is not hampered by the weather next weekend.

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