Living For Trees

At the top of the Wrekin in Shropshire. My walking companions are in the foreground.

Last Saturday as we walked and as we talked the lifestyle of one of the woman gradually emerged. And since she and her partner have their own website I thought I’d just pass you over to their place to take a look at what they are doing at Karuna in Shropshire. Not so far from the Wrekin as the crow flaps. Karuna, Compassion, is an apt name in terms of their work with trees and the land generally.

The establishment of a mixed wooded holding, demonstrating Permaculture principals with opportunities for community involvement is a positive development for the area. It continues a long history of Forest gardening in south Shropshire, where Robert Harts inspirational garden is set.
A.Grundy, Heartwoods c/o Green Wood Centre, Telford.

From the Karuna Guest Book.

We support tree life here in Northumberland. It is however an uphill struggle against the forces of nature, and rabbits! Forest gardening, which sounds like a great ideal, is far from possible.

3 thoughts on “Living For Trees”

  1. Just stumbled across your blog. Interesting content; just added it to the feed reader.

    I live in Shropshire, but haven’t been up the Wrekin since I was a young whipper snapper. Should go again soon.

  2. Thanks for leaving a comment David, it is always good to know when a new person starts to visit. I hope the content sits well with you, it is a medley of all sort of stuff however most point directly, or indirectly, towards the core of what the site is about, which is Buddhist practice. I hope it is accessible to those who do not necessarily regard themselves as Buddhist or even as having a religion.

  3. :) Your site looks a lot more interesting than the slew of make money on-line blogs that cover the internet. The topics seem interesting, particularly the trees. I’m not religious, but don’t believe this world is all there is.

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