5 thoughts on “Meditation – No Guarantee Of Ethical Behaviour”

  1. This article addresses some of the reasons why I distrust the current fashion for ‘mindfulness’ in counselling & therapy circles. Many want to use it independently of Buddhist teaching or precepts & the aim is ‘happiness’, freedom from depression etc.

  2. I’ve put the Jade Mountains site on my “Favourites” now so hopefully I’ll be less of a stranger here!

    Fortunately, when mindfulness is taught as an 8 week therapy group course for people with depression and other conditions, there are a couple of ethical components. There are a set of attitudes taught: acceptance, non-judging, patience, letting go, trust, beginner’s mind, and non-striving. A loving kindness visualisation meditation is also done at least once on the course. Interestingly, research now suggests that one of the reasons depressed people improve on the course is because of increased self-compassion.

  3. Wonderful that you will visit here and leave comments. Much appreciated. Especiallz this information you have supplied about the content of the courses that are run.

  4. An interesting article.

    On a personal level, it brings up that in the early days, quite a few mistakes were made in the name of ‘right action’ after long periods of solitary or group sitting, born out of the ‘groundedness’ of meditation.

    Later, ‘skillful means’ came to the fore, sometimes having the opposite effect of being hyper-vigilant in regard to ‘right action’- often leading to consequent confusion, repression or insincerity.

    More recently, the faith to act clearly/firmly when needed has produced true fruit – as has the faith to do nothing, or simply see humour in a situation! And naturally, all three still manifest to varying degrees.

    Also, it occurs to me that ‘ethical behaviour’ is a gargantuan generalisation that doesn’t allow for the flexibility to trust oneself to act appropriately (ie. truthfully) in any given situation, causing us to be constantly measuring ourselves against the idea of a ‘norm’ that doesn’t actually exist.

    Such is life……. ?

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