Moving Stories

Threads of a story overheard at a community meal. They got swept away…heavy rain…swept along and went down the cundie (land drain) under the road. They found a couple by the river….took a long time…several were in the river down stream…they were all found eventually. Such excitement for the little fluff balls many of us are watching as we take our walks up the road. But then…goose died…got caught in the grill the ducklings goslings had sailed through…nobody knew…didn’t find her until it was too late… Stories of animal rescue cut to the gut. Moving stories. There is something really basic about animals lost and then found. And it’s not all happy endings either.

The ducklings goslings several weeks after there adventure down to the river, and back.

And along with lost and found creatures there is the horror of animal abuse….

See this letter sent to Kentucky Fried Chicken management by Thich Nhat Hanh. It desciribes unpleasant practices with chickens so be warned.

Thanks to Angie for the link.

And as I write about these creatures children, lost and found, used and abused, come very much to mind. All must be gathered into our hearts, including those who know not what they do.

5 thoughts on “Moving Stories”

  1. Not to put too fine a point on it, but the picture shows two adult “geese” and several “goslings.”

  2. Thanks very much for pointing out my mistake Doris, and how nice to hear from you. I’ll remember to sort the geese from the ducks next time…

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