Nature – North Dakota & UK River with Birds Tweeting

Looks like Wood Bison in this video. Enjoy the sounds of nature and the absence of words.

Here is a very short ‘citizens video’ filmed while out on a refreshing walk by a reader. Let there be more such videos. Film some nature not longer than 2 mins on your phone in MP4 format. Let me know in a comment and I will be in touch. Can’t wait.

river flowing (2) from Mugo on Vimeo.

2 thoughts on “Nature – North Dakota & UK River with Birds Tweeting”

  1. What a lovely idea. Thank you Reverend Mugo. I will have a go. I know just the space – where I was yesterday chasing beetles.

    1. Oh you and Beetles Stephanie! If the video can be as hight resolution as you can get it. I am going to record a ‘nature’ around here. That is when the wind stops!

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