For an evening ceremony at Throssel, a lotus carved pumpkin to light the way.
Triple Gem points the way
when I’ve gone astray.
It takes care of us.Deeper ones who see
ways of helping me.
They take care of us.Training letting go
meditation flow.
They take care of us.Now I am coming home
never more to roam.
It takes care of us.
By the late George Barker
This poem was taken from the Throssel Hole Buddhist Abbey Newsletter, just out this morning. George is mentioned. Computer mentor and vacuum cleaner Bodhisattva! I hold him dear in my heart.
Yes, it does take care of us.
One picture says a thousand words. I really like this one with the lotus pumpkin lamp set against the shadow of a gnarled tree. Darkness and light…
Quite the best pumpkin carving I have seen and in this case designed by one of the several ‘artistic’ monks at Throssel. Well done I say. As for the gnarled tree, I can’t work out where that tree is….! Wooower.