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Spore capsules of a moss plant carefully testing the temperature above the ice. Victor Bos

I went out for a walk today in blizzard like conditions with the intention of taking some photographs. Unfortunately when the moment came my camera told me it’s batteries were exhausted! I was fine though.

To make up for the lost snow pictures here is a photograph which came in a New Year greeting from a Dutch reader. What a brilliant picture. There are more on the web site of Victor Bos. (I’ve downloaded the Google Toolbar, which has a translation button, just so I can read his blog.)

I’d like to take the opportunity to applaud my Dutch friend who is undergoing major surgery on the 16th of this month. She is one brave woman, and such fun too!

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Moderation is the Message

Dear Lottie,

Happy New Year!

This is just to let you know that Ned is on his way home. As you know he does suffer from separation anxiety however this time the symptoms were not too severe, thankfully. He kept phone calls home to a minimum and he joined in the activities with everybody else, even enjoying them. You were never very far from his thoughts of course. We had a chat and to be honest your name was not mentioned. My theory is; ‘out of sight out of mind’. I know you will agree having, as you do, a very mild case of separation anxiety yourself. I remember it being said that quite soon after Ned has left you at his sister’s you settle down in her cosy bed for most of the time he’s gone. Almost as good as a holiday, better even! The odd thing is the anxiety returns when the time comes close to returning home doesn’t it? You know the sort of thing; mounting agitation while luggage is packed, the compulsion to get into the car and then the intolerable irritation at not getting started. Goodness, at this point the urge to chew is very strong. We sent him and his friends off with a good meal and that seems to help.

But this is not why I’m writing. I’ve been interested in the workings of the mind for as long as I can remember and recently I’ve picked up a book by Bruce Fogle called The Dog’s Mind. Not a recent book yet infinitely readable. Nothing in there you don’t know about already, obviously. I’ve benefited greatly from learning about body language, about the different message that can be conveyed with the tail, and the ears. Who needs speech? Me obviously! And as for the part on prenatal and neonatal influences on the brain, well all I can say is I’ll know better next time. As far as I know you never did do the motherhood thing. I have. Believe me it is not all it’s cracked up to be. You are well off growing your nails long, keeping your figure and playing football with Ned. Gahzooks girl, can you run!

Did I ever tell you about Nero the Bloodhound puppy? He was separated from his mother far too early for his own good? I just never imagined his behaviour towards me was all to do with him thinking I was his mother! It was fine when he was small, well sort of fine. But as he grew in size his demands and needs grew in size too and I found it hard to cope. One night he had belly ache and I allowed him in bed with me so I could rub his tummy, I was that tired. Obviously I wasn’t helping much as he growled in my face. His teeth were very long by that time and that was the end of us being close. Thankfully we were separated when he was entering his terrible teens. I was OK about it by the way. Later on, when I’d visit he would remember me and greet me as he would his own mother. He was fully grown by then and so I’d need to hang onto a cloister post to keep steady.

I’m glad to say I was able to nurse Nero during his last illness and was there when he passed on, bless him. We made our peace with each other at the end and I was glad of that. Some said he had no interest in pleasing anybody and therefore was difficult to be around. It was all explained by early separation from his mom, that’s my theory. Yes, we had our problems too. However I remember him to be a noble one and in spite of being hampered by poor eyesight and hearing he was a fearless guard dog. Greatly aided I must say by an acute sense of smell which his family is known for. He died eleven years ago in December.

Thanks for listening, I’d not thought about Nero in ages and it was good to talk about him. I guess it was that Dalmatian puppy I mentioned yesterday that got me remembering. She, by the way, started her socialization at six weeks. Apparently the training lasted from four to six hours a day, imagine that? Thank goodness she was not separated from her mother during that time.

See you in about three weeks; I’m looking forward to that. Perhaps you can explain that leaning thing you do which only those familiar with your family know about directly. And also what exactly does it mean, as it says on the T-shirt, ‘Greyhounds have been kissed by angels’? Uh, can’t find the T-shirt…

P.S. I heard this great song called Squeaky Deeky over the holidays. Why not get Ned, or his wife, to download it for you. You’ll love it.

I’m publishing this email for all of those who are Crackers about dogs; and cats and animals in general. Moderation in all things I say.

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Happy New Year

Let’s start the year with a bit of fun.

Anybody able to guess where this picture was taken? Where exactly it was taken?
Here is a shed fancies fantasy! I doubt if anybody can guess where this one was taken, except the reader who took the picture of course. Anybody care to make a guess?
The clue for this one is cake with lots of cream, and cherries. Same clue for this one.

We had a bit of fun during the last ‘tea’ of the New Year retreat this afternoon. We told stories of our near brushes with near fame, quite a favourite with the monastic community as well. One chap told us about how his six month old Dalmatian puppy was in the 101 Dalmatians. Apparently the film took a long time to make and the Dalmatians needed to be around six months old. So as the puppies aged they were retired and new ones drawn in from a register. All over England eager owners of young pups kept their fingers crossed they would be called to stardom. I later heard the dog died a few weeks ago, aged twelve.

Fun is fine.

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The Fifth Thought

We accept this food so that we may become enlightened.

We are taught in Zen not to waste food, not to throw it away, not to let it spoil or go bad.

In the Dhammapada there is this verse from the Old Age section:

Those who while still young
neither choose a life of renunciation
nor earn a good living,
will end up bemoaning the past,
falling like spent arrows
that have missed their mark.

Verse 156

At the turning of the year, walk on in faith. Eat your life wholeheartedly and above all do not waste it.

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The Fourth Thought

Just bumped into a chap in the cloister and we had a chat. He was leaving the New Year retreat early. Some might say he had failed because he didn’t make it through to the end. Not so, definitely not so.

I’ve just eaten three chocolates, he said holding up three fingers in front of his face. Three chocolates, I just saw them on offer in the common room and took three. He was triumphant. Err? You’ll have to fill me in a bit more on that one. He did. Apparently last time here he could hardly eat anything, it was a real struggle to sit and eat a meal. To actually put food in his mouth. Why’s that then? I asked. Oh, you know. Guilt and all of that stuff.

We parted. OK if I email you? Sure. Go to my Jade Mountains web site and you can email me from there. Same goes for anybody who wants to write me.

The fourth of the Five Thoughts is: we will eat lest we become lean and die. Few of us are eating to keep flesh on our bodies so obviously this has levels of meaning just like the preceding three. Our friend above, like so many people, go head to head with life and their troubles when faced with a plate of food. To eat or not. To eat life, or not.

Eating ones life, actively connecting with what’s there and eating without picking and choosing is practice. People dying inside for lack of nourishment is a very very sad sight. And so when people come here who struggle with life and who then connect with the practice and eat, well that is cause for joy.

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Practice Within The Order of Buddhist Contemplatives